Ohlssons Tyger case


Ohlssons Tyger


Paid Social



Long Term Client Case


Ohlssons Tyger is a well-established brand that started back in 1971. Today, they are Sweden's largest fabric store and have come a long way in their digital journey from being solely a store chain.

Our work

We came in when Ohlssons had been working with paid marketing for a long time. We came in with the goal of improving their ROAS in order to then be able to scale spending. With data-driven work, we set up a structure that took advantage of Ohlsson's strong brand and targeted the right people.

Results: 2021 - 2023

+70% increased ad spend

During the first 18 months, we increased the ad spend by 70% and maintained profitability.

Long-term & successful cooperation

Today, we have managed Ohlsson Tygers' advertising on Meta for over 2 years and have built a strong trust in each other.

Alexandra Olsson (Marketing Manager) had this to say:

"Ciaso Media are incredibly flexible in their work which suits us great. What we appreciate the most though is their drive to try new things while still always having profitability in focus"